Saturday 26 June 2010

Poster for the Film

Another componant to my brief was to create a poster for the film.

Below I have looked at some examples of thriller film posters.

The Godfather Poster
This poster is very simplistic, this is what makes the poster so effective. It features the main chaeracter the godfather who looks very suspicious, like you do not know what to expect. He is a figure of power which you can tell from the fact he is well groomed and smart in a suit but is very unpredictable. All of the dark colours show mystery, and in all the posters they have one specific main colour. The small text at the bottom give little information about people in the film however this is not significant as the main focus is the large image of the godfather which shows he is very important.
The title of the film is in whie to contrast with the black, this makes sure that it stands out. Puppet strings and a hand are used over the word 'godfather' this is a hint to what the film is about and connotates that the godfather can have control over people and influence there actions. The font it's self is in a serif font in a large size to make sure it is clear and readable as the aim of the poster is to get thbe target audience to see the name of the film. The text is in a posh style suggesting that the godfather may not abide by the law but acts like he is very upperclass as he has so much power and control. By the godfather's head being imposed over the words it helps to make him more defined as he is looking straight into the camera lense.

The Heat Poster
The Heat poster has a signature colour to the poster which is a copol blue colour suggesting that the characters in the film could be very mysterious and suspicious, also it creates a contrast to the name of the film heat. As people may think that the poster is ment to be in hot colours however the blue is a cool andcalm colour which is opposite to the film.
There is more text on this page than the 'godfather' as there are more main characters and that, the names are what they are going to use to sell the film, as people maty find it appealing to watch if there is a certain star actor/actress in the film. Therefore in a white font which is also a cool colour, and suggest innocence the names of 'Al Pacinio' and 'Robert Dinero' are at the top of the poster like a header so it is one of the first things that is seen. The size is quite large to make sure it is clear and easily readable, the sans serif font bold so that the information cannot be missed. Also the text is above a picture of the two stars so you also have a visual on who they are.
There is also a third character so they are all featured on the poster however as he is not as well known his name is smaller, but the font is kept the same and the colour this is too keep the poster consistant, as if it was a mixture it would look like the poster was just quickly put together without any thought being put into it. The picture of the two main characters heads looking opposite ways suggests that they are against eachother, however they are on a similar level which shows they are evenly matched. The images are in blue and black which matches the theme with the bottoms faded back into the background, this makes the poster look like one. The pictures are situated near the top of the page showing that they are both may be figures of authority within and out of the law as its a crime thriller. There are also smaller men which are below the main actors suggetsing that they are not as important and of a lower status maybe working for the main men.The title of the film is situated 3/4 of the way down the poster, in a larger font size so that the name of the film stands out which people will remember. The title has a red line underneath which symbolises the heat of the film and also danger or blood. It helps make the title stand ouy which is all in capitals in a white font, so all of the text is a similar colour.
The text at the bottom of the page is in the same font as on everyother poster which is small and here it is in a darker blue to keep with the blue theme, it gives details of directors and other people and distribution companys for the film.

The Kiss of Death Poster
The kiss of death poster uses a very similar layout as the Heat poster, taking up half of the page are the main two characters faces on the same level to show that they are equal, looking straight inot the camera to show intensity. The names of these characters and another are shown below in white so that they stand out on the brown colour scheme. The surnames are In capitals and larger so that they stand out in a slightly serif font to show that they are the highlight of the film. The title of the film again is 3/4 of the way down the page in all capitals and the largest font to make sure the name of the film is easily visible and stands out. The red colour which the name is written in makes it stand out as the rest of the poster is brown and also suggests blood and danger, that something bad will happen. The image of the streets in the bottom half of the picture shows where the film is going to be set and anything can happen on the streets, this image is also in the brown colour. By the two pictures being the same colour and faded into each other it makes the poster look more professional and all one image not lots of seperate componants. The text at the bottom of the page is in white which matches the actors names however it is in a typical font for details about the production and other information and is only small so that it does not distract from the main focus of the poster the picture and the title.

The Dark Blue Poster
The Dark Blue poster is only slightly different from the previous two posters, as I can see a pattern between the posers.This poster is landscape this make it look different and more individual from the other posters, whikst being similar enough so that the poster can be easily read and stands out to appeal to its target audience. The main colour scheme is a orangy brown and black. This contrasts with the name of the film being dark blue as the colour is not what you would expect. There are again two maiin characters featured on the poster in a similar colour to the background so thatthe picture looks professional and not disjointed. They take up about 3/4 of the page but are situated on the right leaving the left clear. As they re the main characters and also famous hey are used to entice people into wanting to watch the film, du to the staring actors, therefore only head shots are used. The text is in white 3/4 down the page like all of the others, this stands out on the dark brown/ black bottom, therefore it will stand out. It is very large so it can be easily read and in capitals, the font is sans serif with scratches through the top and bottom, suggesting that nothing is perfect. In a red they have placed tag lines for the film situated on the left above the title and also below these goive quated lines from the film, and a tag line to give a clue to what the film includes for the audience to interpret.

The Taking of Pelham 123 Poster#
The taking of pelham 123 poster is portrait like the majority of the previous posters, however the colour scheme is not stricly one it still has the dark elwement of black but focuses on blue and gold for the images of the main characters faces, this represents that they are on different sides and looking towards eachother thatb they could be enemies. The pictures are faded into the poster to make it look prodfessional and like one, they take up half of the page agauin to be a big focus so they target audience can easily see the stars in the film. There names are in between them at the neck in relation to the image, the surnames are in capitals in a size around 18 in bold so that they also stand out in white on the black background.
A variation in this poster is that the title of the film is half way up the page so another image is at the bottom. The text to inform the audience of the title of the film is in white to again stand out on the black. A simple sans serif font in bold capitals, this makes it clear and easy to read from a distance and easily. They have however put speed marks off the number and Pelham, this shows speed and relates to the train that is in the film. Below the title is a picture of the train in a tunnel and a silhouett of where the film is set, the rest of the picture mirrors the colours used for the main actors. This is good as it helps to give a hint of what is in the film. At the bottom of the poster it features all information about the director and distribution companies in the same text as all of the other posters in a gold colour which is not easy to read. On this occasion this is probably better so that it does not distract from the main pictures and title of the film.

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