Wednesday 16 June 2010

A2 G324: Advanced Media Portfolio

My Selected Brief: A promotion package for a new film to include a teaser trailer together with a film magazine front cover, featuring the film and a poster for the film.

Definition of a Teaser Trailer-
Is used to advertise a film for release later on in a year, and is only short lasting approximately 30 seconds to a minuet.

I have chosen this brief as it intrested me out of all the brief's, and I thought that it would enable me to use the best skills I have and use all different techniques. Also the subliminary tasks were also the most interesting as i did not have any desire to do a website so a poster and a magazine front cover were my prefered choice.

Information about a Teaser Trailer and what it is to include-
· Must grab the audience’s attention and get them excited about the film by using clips and images from the film as a hint.
· As they are released in advance it helps to build anticipation for the film and make more people want to view the film when it hits the cinema in the opening weekend.
· Can be distributed in different ways such as virally online and on TV
· They only contain a little amount of footage from the film.
· They are often made before a film has finished being produced so the scenes may not actually be in the finished movie.

Examples of Teaser Trailers-
Star Wars VIII A New Saga Begins-
· The teaser trailer shows the iconic well known characters
· Nothing about the story is given away
· A large mixture of short shots
· Production Company seen
· Name of film and when released should be mentioned


· Uses a larger ratio of text than the previous clip which also gives clues to the storyline and what film the trailer is advertising
· Name of film is always mentioned at the end of the trailer

· Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire-
· Uses more footage than others
· Only shows very short clips and then cuts to a different part to give clues to what is in the film
· Uses key important main characters

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