Monday 27 September 2010

Developing My Poster

This is the image out of the ones I edited that I am going to use on my poster, this is because it gives a hint of the location. Also with there being an area of open space on the front it is a good place to place faces of the two main characters below their names.This will keep consistency by following a similar layout to the examples which I have analysed, so hopefully my poster will look professional. Now that I have chosen my main image for the front cover of my poster, I have kept it simple so that text easily stands out when placed in white on a dark colour which is most common in the examples I have seen. I began by placing the text of the main actors/ actresses names at the top of the page like I had seen in the examples I have analysed. I chose a sans serif text which looks destroyed and not complete, but still easy to read. When placed in white stood out on the black background. I have had difficulty in choosing a text to write 'CONTROL' in as it needed to stand out and still fit with the thriller genre. The options I have to choose from are shown below. As I am not sure which text looks best I have questioned people in my media class and outside to gain there opinion on the texts.I sent around a question in which I asked people to chose the text that they like the most and would look best on a poster for my thriller film. After analysing the results of the question i gave to my media class i found that the most popular text was the 5th option. I agree with this as it is simple however does look formal, also it is easy to read and stands out on the dark background. I also found that when you print the poster it comes out very dark, so when editing I have changed the brightness so that when printed the image clarity is improved and the tree lines are easily visable. Once the text has been selected I found that the smaller text to advertise the actors names did not fit in with the main font so I will try out different examples so that the poster flows and looks professional.I found a sans serif font which is easy to read and is similar to the main font. This is shown below: Next week I plan to take photos for the front of the poster on Wednesday. I will take them on a plain background so when I edit them and change the contrast it becomes easier. I plan to have the two main characters looking towards or away from eachother i will see what looks most effective when they are placed on the poster. Last week on the 20th of October I went and took differnt shots of Naomi who is the main character in the opening to the teaser trailer, these are shown below i used all different shots to see what would be the most effective. These will then be edited and the best one then selected. I was then going to take pictures of a male in half term however I was let down by the male I was going to use. Therefore when we came back to school I then asked Alex Mutu he said he would help. So on the 3rd November I took headshots at different angles. The close up's are the best for my poster. I also took pictures of Naomi and Alex for the front cover of my magazine, I got my inspiration from a cover by Total Film advertising King Kong. Finishing off the poster Images Colour scheme Editingn of Images Tag line Texts (sizes and styles) Overall

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